Specialized care for mothers after giving birth

Visiting a specialist doctor, nursing services (twice a week), post-natal care, vaccination service for children, various tests for the child’s health, maternity vitamin package


Because we are aware of the difficulty of the postpartum stage, we have provided the “specialized care for mothers after birth” offer, where we work to provide a package of health services to maintain the health of the mother and newborn.


5000 SAR

Offer Duration

2 months

  • Home visit from a specialist doctor (twice a month)
  • Home nursing service (twice a week) for 6 hours
  • Postnatal care (natural and caesarean section)
  • Newborn care
  • Vaccination/home vaccination service for children
  • Child health analysis package
  • Maternity Vitamins Package



You can book the offer until 1/1/2024 and benefit from it until 10/10/2024.

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