Unique specialized care

Monthly visit to a general practitioner, nursing services (visit 3 times a week), intravenous injections, intramuscular injections, rectal injections, urinary catheter care.

Based on our sense of responsibility towards your daily health, we have provided a “unique specialized care” offer, which includes a package of nursing services.


7000 SAR

Offer Duration

6 months

  • Home visit, general practitioner (once a month)
  • Home nursing service (visits 3 times a week) for 8 hours
  • Intravenous injections at home
  • Intramuscular injections at home
  • Measuring vital signs at home
  • Enema/clean enema at home
  • Care for urinary catheter at home


You can request to add a special service based on your health needs

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